Helping to Create a Stress-free Postpartum Experience

Imagine that you have just returned home from the maternity ward, holding your newborn baby, and feeling like time is flying by. You are surrounded by a tornado of diapers, baby’s cries and Aunt Marge’s unsolicited advise. This is like trying to ride a unicycle while juggling torches. Welcome to postpartum doula anchorage living! Hey, this doesn’t necessarily have to be an act of circus. Let’s talk about ways to make this rollercoaster feel more like a merrygo-round.

Let’s begin by talking about sleep (or the lack thereof). They have the uncanny capability to change night into day. Like nocturnal little creatures, they haven’t gotten the memo that humans sleep at night. This is where an extra set of hands will come in handy. You need to get enough sleep, whether it’s by hiring a night-time assistant or having your partner take over the household for a few days.

Next, we’ll talk about food, the fuel that we use when coffee simply won’t do. You might not feel up to cooking right now. Why not make friends your freezer instead? Prepare meals ahead of time to save money and avoid wasting food. Or, better yet ask family and friends to provide meals for you during the first weeks. This will literally be one less meal on your plate.

Do not overlook emotional support. This is just as important in this journey as diapers. Even though you may be surrounded by those who love and support you, it can still feel lonely at times. A good friend or online mom group can make all the different in the world.

And then there are the chores! What if your dishes are piling up? No worries! It’s time to embrace being resourceful, and maybe even lazy. This is the perfect time to hire help for cleaning or ask family members for help. It’s okay if the job isn’t perfect (like those mismatched socks), but perfection isn’t required right now.

But what about your own self-care? What about that unicorn that everyone speaks of but is so hard to find these days? You may laugh at the idea of sneaking in some time for yourself amid diaper changes, feeding schedules and other activities. But listen to me. If you can, take a shower while your grandmother holds the baby and sip tea quietly at naptime.

It’s important to remember that each mom is unique. There’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits all” solution, since babies don’t even come with instructions (although that would be great!). Some moms are structured, while others prefer to ride the unpredictable waves like seasoned surfers.

Lastly, humor is the best way to deal with newborn chaos. It goes a lot further than any guide could ever do! The funny parenting mistakes will be stories to tell down the line, even if that means wearing two pairs of shoes from sheer exhaustion.

Take heart, new parents! This phase will pass as quickly as the rain showers that were predicted yesterday instead of sunny skies (we have all been there). If you’re patient and enlist some help, you can navigate through the first few days more relaxed than stressed.

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